Near Crosshaven
Under the Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances) Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015), the three Principal Response Agencies or PRA's (Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána and the relevant Local Authority) are each designated under the Irish regulations as a Local Competent Authority (LCA). The three PRAs are charged with developing External Emergency Plans (EEPs) for establishments covered by the act.
The Health & Safety Authority is the nominated Central Competent Authority for Ireland and, as such is charged with the enforcement of the regulations. The EEPs are designed to mitigate the effects to the surrounding area of an accident occurring at any of these establishments as part of the planning process, it is incumbent on the three PRAs to consult within the public in regards to the development of the EEPs.
The PRAs in this region of Cork & Kerry are the Health Service Executive, An Garda Síochána, Kerry County Council, Cork City Council and Cork County Council. These PRAs have established a dedicated office to manage and coordinate the development of the External Emergency Plans for all the region's Upper Tier COMAH Establishments. This office is the Inter Agency Emergency Management Office and it is based in the previous Eye, Ear & Throat Hospital building on the Western Road in Cork City. Eircode: T12 WP62
⇒To see the IAEMO Office Location on Google Maps CLICK HERE
What is the function of the Inter Agency Emergency Management Office?
The Inter Agency Emergency Management Office or IAEMO co-ordinates and assists the Principal Response Agencies with the three yearly review of the External Emergency Plan for the respective COMAH Establishment. The IAEMO also coordinates the EEP exercises held during the review of the EEPs. For more information on the establishments in Cork and Kerry visit The IAEMO website, all links are below.
How many COMAH Establishments are in this MEM region of Cork & Kerry?
MEM Region South (Cork & Kerry) has 12 Lower Tier and 17 Upper Tier COMAH (Control of Major Accident Hazards) Establishments spread across Cork and Kerry. Each Upper Tier COMAH establishment has an External Emergency Plan which must be reviewed, updated and tested every three years. See the link below to view the Map showing COMAH establishments in Ireland issued by An Garda Síochána
What COMAH Upper Tier establishments are located near Crosshaven?
COMAH Upper Tier Establishments nearby to Crosshaven are Pfizer, & Thermo Fisher plus across the harbour the Upper Tier sites are Irving Oil Whitegate Refinery and Calor Gas Whitegate (Kosengas)
How is the updated or revised COMAH Establishment's External Emergency Plan tested by the Local Competent Authority.?
Every three years the actual test of the COMAH Establishment's External Emergency Plan takes place over a morning and follows the form of a walk through with talk through of the site by the PRA's. A tabletop exercise or a live exercise may also be conducted by the PRA's, often at the site of the COMAH Establishment. These exercise events always involve the three Principal Response Agencies (PRA's)
How does the Public Information Consultation Procedure on External Emergency Plans work
Various Advertising will take place during the review of the COMAH Establishment's External Emergency Plan. This is required under SI 209 of 2015 and takes place over a 4 week period during the review of the EEP for each Upper Tier establishment. The COMAH Establishment's External Emergency Plan or EEP made available for public consultation is redacted to remove personal and sensitive information of staff at the COMAH Establishment.
What can Residents of Crosshaven do to better inform themselves on the local industry governed by COMAH legislation?
Residents of Crosshaven are encouraged to become involved in the public consultation process of the External Emergency Plan's of local COMAH establishments - See the map issued by An Garda Síochána for locations of nearby COMAH establishments, the link to this map is below.
In the extremely unlikely event of an accident at a COMAH Establishment what might the impact be on the local community.?
COMAH Establishments usually produce an Emergency leaflet or Hand Out for nearby residents of their sites. This informs the residents of the public alarm or siren warning sounds and also what to do should an emergency occur. The advice in general is to go indoors, close all windows and doors, listen to public announcements on the radio and TV and to follow instructions from the gardaí. In addition should an emergency occur the gardaí will establish road control points to restrict traffic etc towards the event location. A map showing the position of garda control points for each COMAH Establishment may be viewed during the External Emergency Plan review consultation period.
⇒ Chemicals Act (Control of Major Accident Hazards involving Dangerous Substances)
Regulations 2015 (S. I. No. 209 of 2015) - ⇒ The HSA Public Information on COMAH establishments INFORMATION is HERE
- ⇒ Map showing COMAH establishments in Ireland issued by An Garda Síochána
- ⇒ The Inter Agency Emergency Management Office website is HERE
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⇒ The free Acrobat Reader application may be needed to open this PDF document, this is available to download from HERE
ECHA is the European Chemicals Agency - An agency of the European Union
Information from ECHA explains the - Seveso III Directive 2012/18/EU - on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances & it lays down the rules for prevention of major industrial accidents involving hazardous substances and for limiting the consequences of such accidents for human health and the environment.
⇒ The ECHA Website is HERE
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Published February 2024 / Foilsithe Feabhra 2024
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