Details of Planning Application
RNLI Lifeboat Station Crosshaven

Planning Application 245495 on the Cork County Council Website is HERE

Permission for proposed mural (depicting lifeboat and crew) on the gable end of existing building
Development Address: Gable Wall of Powers Shop, Lower Road, Knocknagore, Crosshaven, Co.Cork

Submissions & Objections by 09.09.2024

The following information is in the public domain on the Cork County Council website

Cork Co. Co. have requested further detailed information on the proposed mural in a letter to the RNLI dated 20 September 2024, as follows:

RNLI Lifeboat Station Crosshaven
C/O Hugh Tully
7 Rosehill
Co. Cork.



N.B. - IMPORTANT NOTE: Any response to this letter should clearly state that it is a response to a request for further information in connection with 24/05495 and be addressed to: - Planning Department, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork.

Re: 24/05495 Permission for proposed mural (depicting lifeboat and crew) on the gable end of existing building

At: Lower Road, Knocknagore, Crosshaven, Co. Cork

Dear Sir/Madam,

I refer to your planning application which was lodged with the Planning Authority on the 06/08/2024.

It is considered that the information submitted with the application is not yet sufficient to enable the Planning Authority to make a decision in this case. Therefore, to enable the Planning Authority give further consideration to your application, you are requested to submit six copies of the following further information:-

The Planning Authority acknowledges that murals can add vibrancy to public spaces and can foster and strengthen a sense of community and local identity. However, based on the submitted information, it is currently unclear what the proposed mural will look like. The Planning Authority is also concerned about the scale of the proposed mural in terms of the impact it could have on the streetscape, the vernacular structure on site, the character of the designated High Value Landscape in this area, and the protected views from the designated Scenic Route at this location. You are therefore requested to submit additional information regarding the following:

The proposed side elevation drawing shows a scanned photograph on the gable of the building on site. Please clarify whether the mural is proposed to be painted or installed as a photographic representation.

b) If the mural is proposed to be painted, please submit details of:
i. the artist(s) who will paint the mural. The nominated artist(s) must have demonstrated experience and skill sets with executing outdoor murals.
ii. the style and colour scheme of the mural.
iii. the period of time the mural is proposed to remain in place.

c) Revised drawings to allow the Planning Authority to accurately assess the potential visual impact of the proposed mural. The revised, scaled drawings should be in colour and should depict both the proposed mural and the existing colour and all other existing features of the building on site, including signage. In preparing the revised drawings, consideration should be given to a smaller mural i.e., one that will cover an area of less than 8m2.

d) The building on site is considered to be a vernacular structure as it appears on the 2nd edition of the Ordnance Survey maps. Any revised proposal should be informed by an assessment of the building’s heritage value. The assessment should be carried out by an accredited historic building professional. Details of how the mural has been informed by this assessment should be included in your response.

This request for further information is without prejudice to any decision the Council may take, either to refuse permission or to grant permission, with or without conditions. Please note that your application shall be declared to be withdrawn if all of the further information as required above is not submitted within 6 months of the date of this letter, or within such additional period, not exceeding 3 months, as may be agreed by the Planning Authority in accordance with Article 33 (3) of the Planning and Development Regulations 2001 as amended.

Please further note that where the Planning Authority considers that the further information request has not been fully complied with and requires clarification, the 4 weeks for making a decision (or 8 weeks in the case of an application accompanied by an EIS), does not begin until this clarification has been provided and the request for further information has been fully complied with.

Where Cork County Council collects any personal information from you in its role as a Planning Authority, such information will be processed in line with our privacy statement which is available to view on our website.

Please note that all information / supporting documentation submitted will be publicly available online and at the Planning Authority offices. Therefore, you should ensure that any personal information (i.e. PPSN, Bank Account numbers, date of birth, etc.) is removed from the documentation before it is submitted as part of the planning application

In addition, where, as part of your response you submit any special categories of personal data relating to an individual, the person to whom the special categories of data refers MUST give their explicit consent to the use of this data by Cork County Council in processing your planning application.

Further consideration of your application is deferred pending receipt of the information requested.

Any response to this letter should clearly state that it is a response to a request for further information in connection with 24/05495 and be addressed to: - Planning Department, County Hall, Carrigrohane Road, Cork.

Yours faithfully

Cathal de Baróid
Administrative Officer

The above copy of letter is in the public domain in the Scanned Files section on the Cork County Council Planning Departmemnt website at this URL:

Planning Development Listing

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Published October 2024 / Foilsithe Deireadh Fómhair 2024